Health Information

One of the ways Saint John the Baptist School ensures a high standard of academic success is to maintain a clean, healthy and safe environment. This is done by closely monitoring health issues, requiring updated vaccinations and controlling the daily dispensing of prescription medications.

Accidents and Illness

Students should not come to school with a fever and should be free of a fever for a least 24 hours before returning. For the sake of other students and faculty, please keep sick students at home.

Should a student become ill or injured during school hours, he or she will be taken to the school office, where parents or emergency contacts are then notified. At no time will a sick or injured child be left unattended. (Please see the Parent-Student handbook for more details)

Administration of Medication

All prescription medications are administered and controlled by school administration in accordance with a physician's written directions. A copy of the prescription must be on file.

Over the counter medications (OTC) are not routinely administered to any child without written consent of the student's parent(s) or guardian. (Please see the Parent-Student handbook for more details)

Necessary forms for all medications are available in the school office and at the link found at the bottom of this page.

Hearing and Vision Tests

Hearing and vision tests are automatically provided for all new students and students in certain grades. However, should a faculty member notice a problem, the parents will be notified and in certain circumstances, a specialized hearing test may be available through the Fort Wayne Community School system. (Please see the Parent-Student handbook for more details)

All school buildings are 'SMOKE FREE.'

Health Records

All students must meet the State of Indiana and Allen County Health Department regulations. Each fall, emergency contact forms are required. It is the parents' responsibility to update both immunization records and emergency forms whenever a change takes place. Parents will also be required to sign a consent form for the state Children and Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP) database. The Indiana Department of Education mandates that all schools use the CHIRP system to document annual immunization records. (Please see the Parent-Student handbook for more details)


Students should have record of the following immunizations on file in the school office: diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles (2nd shot prior to 6th grade), rubella, poliomyelitis, and chicken pox. (Please see the Parent-Student handbook for more details)

General Health Information

To help provide parents with the best tools in safeguarding their children's health, Saint John the Baptist School strives to make fact sheets and general information available on a variety of health-related topics. Please visit the Super Shot website for complete Indiana vaccination information and review the following forms: