Sports & Activities

School sponsored athletic teams and youth groups are excellent ways to encourage student involvement. Besides being fun, they also are important tools in developing a child’s self-discipline, respect, and time management. They can elevate a child’s self-worth while helping them become more considerate of others.

Extracurricular activities increase school pride, which can support academic success.

Whether your child is interested in sports or other pursuits, we have many options available. From athletic teams to scouting to chess, there is something for everyone.

Girls Basketball team photo

For all 5th - 8th graders, we offer girls’ basketball, volleyball, and soccer, and boys’ basketball, football, and soccer. We also offer coed track and cheerleading.

Arts and Enrichment students on the stage

For adults and children of all grades: Home and School Association (HASA), Boy Scouts, School Board, and Arts/Enrichment Committee.